Selerix Developer Tools
Security Requirements
Enrollment Integrations > Enrollment Integration Details > Security Requirements

If data transmitted between your enrollment system and Selerix BenSelect contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII) with Protected Health Information (PHI), Selerix and its partners are required by law to maintain compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or risk non-compliance penalties.  Electronic transmission of data such as an applicant's Social Security Number, Driver's License Number, medical and financial information must be transferred securely to protect individual privacy.  To that end, Selerix requires applicants be securely authenticated and identified and data transmissions to be encrypted using strong encryption methodologies.

As dictated by the path you take to integrate with BenSelect, Selerix will use some combination of these technologies to guarantee data transmissions are secure:

Refer to the Enrollment Integration Quick Start section for information about acquiring an unpublished URL and steps required to register your private security key with Selerix.